
Aurora hdr 2018 for interior photos
Aurora hdr 2018 for interior photos

So I will usually process my exteriors starting in Aurora since here in Southern California our normal light is intense sun and contrast is always high. The new 2019 Luminar is slated to have a slider to intensify the sky and only the sky. But I rely on Photoshop to correct verticals and horizontals and fix my lens distortions for both Aurora and Luminar images. Luminar has a great color picker to turn whites totally neutral. When I have more evenly lit images, I go straight to Bridge using the best of the bracketed exposure, use the pre-sets that I create, then to photoshop and often use Luminar as a plug in to Photoshop that makes a seamless bridge between the two.

aurora hdr 2018 for interior photos

Instead I use it when I have extremes of contrast since I don't use flash to balance out lighting. With each new year and its upgraded version of AuroraPro, it improves hugely in speed, use of tools, how the tools work and how it now becomes more and more useful for creating images in areas other than landscape and surreal images. I am still trying to find time to learn LR which I think would be a better choice, but for us old dogs, such a major change takes time to learn and integrate into a work flow already well established. So I partner AuroraPro and Luminar in conjunction with Photoshop and its Bridge sibling. Instead as someone who started working with Photoshop from its inception on my 124 Mac, it is simply in my blood. Rather I think it should or can be another tool in your processing tool box, not a "this or that" situation. I find the property, grounds, groves, gardens, pools, front views with blinding white cement driveways and water works are just as important to control and work with.īut I think it is a mistake to compare the Skylum products of AuroraPro and Luminar to Adobe products or other software.

aurora hdr 2018 for interior photos aurora hdr 2018 for interior photos

And here we tend to discuss only interiors. I only used it for external images since it made walls mottle in a most undesirable way. I trying to tame it for RE work was a bit of a hassle. I tend to go for a more saturated image than most RE photographers but that does not take HDR to achieve. I love AuroraPro and have done since its inception with the caveat that to begin with it seemed to be designed for that surreal photographic esthetic and not for use just to bring out highlight and shadow detail but to end up with a natural looking image.

Aurora hdr 2018 for interior photos